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Student Support Services Care Report

This tool is for reporting non-emergency incidents or concerns only. For emergencies or matters that need immediate attention, Brown Police, Brown University Emergency Medical Assistance, and the campus life Administrator-On-Call are all available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  Please call 401-863-4111 or Dial 911 to access 24/7 resources.

Brown University and Student Support Services are committed to supporting student well-being and providing care for any student who may be experiencing distress or serious personal difficulties.  Below is some helpful information about SSS and this form.

  • Student Support Services is a non-confidential resource that provides non-clinical, holistic support to undergraduate and graduate students facing any number of challenges or difficulties that are potentially getting in the way of their ability to persist and thrive at Brown. We are the central point of contact for collaboration with students, faculty, staff or families when there is concern or worry for a student’s health, safety or wellness.  
  • The Care Report is a way to share information about a student who may be experiencing a challenging situation and needs help connecting to the appropriate resources for support. Please be sure to read the entire form before submitting the report.  Care Reports are not intended to alert the university to matters related to violations of the Student Code of Conduct, incidences of bias, or Title IX violations.  Resources and reporting options for those offices can be found here:
  • Student Support Services is not a confidential resource; however, all of your information will remain private in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).  All staff are mandated reporters for Title IX. 

Your Information

Involved Student(s)
If there is more than student involved in this report, click 'Add another student' in the lower left corner of this section. Please be as accurate as possible when completing this section as it will assist us in identifying the correct student more quickly.

Narrative of your concern (required)

Please provide a detailed description of the incident or concern using specific, concise, and objective language. Facts, accurate descriptions of behavior, and statements of observations are more useful than attempts to make characterizations, provide opinions, or apply labels.

Current Support or Engagement

Examples; CAPS, University Health Services, Chaplains, Title IX

Basic details are sufficient.

Medical Interventions

Basic details are sufficient.

Police Involvement

Basic details are sufficient.
